Thursday, March 5, 2015

Google Update

Current Version Plugin Google Update

Google Update is needed by the PC you're using to update the Google apps installed on your windows automatically. The applications from Google such as, Chrome, G-Earth and Picasa. This plugin is free, meaning you do not have to pay when you use it, because it is produced to facilitate you in using all the applications made by Google.
You also can not install this Mozilla Firefox extension manually, because this plugin works and installed automatically when you use an application that produced by Google. current version plugin google update runs as a service on Windows operating systems, you can check the task manager by name “googleupdater.exe” and “googleupdate.exe” that works automatically when it finds an updated version of the Google apps you are using.
Current Version Plugin Google Update
If you use Firefox browser you can run the Current Version Plugin Google Update automatically if there is a recent update, it is very easy, Click Tools menu on your browser then click Add-ons, when Add-on Manager page is Appear click the Tools for all Add-ons button and make sure you select the option Update Add-ons automatically, see the picture below though more clearly. You also can disable this extension by clicking Tools - Add-ons  proceed by clicking the plugins menu, and click the Disable button on the Google Update plugin.
Hopefully this article can give you more information about the current version plugin Google Update.

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